The Work of Heralds

December 6, 2020


Keep Your Lamps

Audio Player

Welcome (Pastor Renée)

Mark 1:1-8 (Eduardo Mascorro)

Audio Player

Prepare Ye

Audio Player

Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 (Gayle Tilford)

Audio Player

The King Shall Come

Audio Player

Intercession for healthcare workers (Patty McNussen)

Audio Player

O Come, O Come Emmanuel (2 verses)


“The Work of Heralds” Kevin Hamilton

Audio Player

Exodus XV

Audio Player

Freedom is Coming

Audio Player

Benediction (Matt Roeschley)


King of Heaven (Jim Croegaert)

Audio Player

Tithes and Offerings: 124 W. White St, Champaign, IL 61820 or via PayPal (fees slightly reduce tax-deductible donation). Contact any member of the Prayer Team for prayer: Arlene, Brian, Jubal, Judy, Kathy K-G, Lehman, Nancy.
